Hi and welcome to February. We hope that 2020 has started well for all our customers and site visitors.
This time of year can be a little quieter for some of the industries and sectors we help to support in Canada. We had some planned projects ourselves for January which were delayed because of the weather, but we also find that January is usually a good time to look at some other areas of our operations that are not always so easy to work on when we are very busy. We have time for tasks like going through our equipment inventory and making orders for items we know we are going to need later in the year, looking over our procedures to see if we can improve them, and doing internal training.
Toward the end of 2019, we also made some changes to our back-end office with the development of a dispatch team in order to give us some more internal efficiency in the way we respond to inquiries and deploy our teams on various assignments. This has gone well for us so far and, in retrospect, looks like something that we wish we had implemented earlier.
With all of that being said, January 2020 was still the busiest January we have had at Tundra Rescue to date in our nine years of operations, and our rope access and confined space safety teams have had a diverse mixture of sites to work at. These sites included an industrial manufacturing plant where we provided support on an equipment re-fitting project, a few different wind energy sites around Ontario, and a new customer in the chemical engineering industry, amongst others. We also finished off some interesting safety consultancy work for a food and beverage manufacturing company, whose products you probably consume at least once a week if you live in North America.
February is also looking like it’s going to be our busiest on record with some varied tasks already booked, including a larger project where our customer is conducting some important maintenance and upgrades to some of southern Ontario’s water supply networks.
We are looking forward to the coming month and hope that you have a productive and safe February as well.