HomeNewsTundra Rescue & COVID-19

The world looks very different today from a month ago, and like other businesses both in Canada and around the world Tundra Rescue has taken measures based on both risk management methodologies and Federal and Provincial public health advice to adapt the way we are working to safeguard our staff and customers from the hazards presented by COVID-19; while also ensuring that we are able to continue our work in support of important projects and programs in essential sections of Ontario’s economy including infrastructure, energy and manufacturing.

We have an operational disadvantage because unlike some other types of businesses we cannot work remotely, but we also do have the benefit that we are familiar with working in hazardous environments, including those where substances may be present that are more immediately dangerous to human health than COVID-19. We are also familiar with the effective use and deployment of multiple different types of Personal Protective Equipment should these be required.

Amongst the steps we have already taken we have been in contact with many of our regular customers to ascertain if there are any additional protective measures they would like us to take when we are visiting their facilities, even for example if there are more detailed entrance requirements for access to worksites.

Our message here is to please just let us know and we will be able to comply, and if you are a customer or prospective customer and would like to know more about the specific things we are doing to mitigate COVID-19 risks just ask us.

There are potential adaptions that can be made to many of our activities which can reduce the potential on-site risks associated with COVID-19 and we would be please to work though any specific tasks or projects to see how these can be applied.

It seems clear that this pandemic will take some time to resolve but it is our greatest hope that the situation both in Canada and around the world will be showing signs of improvement, or at very least some stabilisation when we are next due to update this page. In the meantime we would like to wish everyone stay as safe and healthy as possible.