We decided around two months ago that we needed to develop a new website, with the two main aims of making it more accessible to our visitors and customers and to better reflect who we are and what we do. This new site is what we have come up with, and we hope you like it.
We also think this is a good opportunity for us to take stock on how things have changed in the three years since we last made a major change to our website. Then, just nine months after a change in ownership of our parent company, Tundra International, we had already made some progress but were still primarily supporting just a few regular customers in a small number of specific industries.
Three years on, we are now regularly working with four times as many customers in any given month as we were back then, coming from a very broad range of sectors that include manufacturing, engineering, environmental management, construction, energy, wind energy, facilities management and defence, amongst many others. Some are amongst Canada’s most well-known brands, and others are less well-known but still industry leaders.
Internally our permanent staff has also grown four-fold, and we’ve overhauled our administrative and operational processes operations to make it easier for us to support our customers in different areas of Ontario, particularly during time-sensitive events like emergency shutdowns.
We’re not planning to stop here either, and in this News section, we plan to share our new initiatives and capabilities as we introduce them. We hope you will find it interesting to look in from time to time. As ever, too, if you are a business process owner or project manager requiring assistance with any kind of work access problem, please do get in touch to see if we can assist you.